A good state works for welfare of the people, and a bad state becomes a source of havoc and destruction for the people.

There are many states present in the world which existin different forms. The most popular and mostly driven form is monarchy. Following are the types of states:



Democracy means government which is by the people

    Democratic Empire (Republic)


Such state whose leader is not a king but a chosen representative of the people.



Here queen or king is the head of state and has control over all things. This prevailing form of Government is still in existence since ancient time. Whereas it is in vogue in most of the countries. After the death of the monarch, the successor is chosen from his/her own children



Some of the states are such that are run by the aristocrats of that state. In the present era it is a common thinking that mostly nobles and aristocrats are those people who play an important role to run the government.


It is the system in which an individual or a group of person run the government on the basis of power and override the existing laws. But few people like this system.

    Democratic Republic 


Usually the democratic republic is linked with democracy.In reality, those states who call themselves to be democratic republic are in fact a form of Dictatorship. There are many states who follow such type of system and its main example is China.



A new system of state namely Caliphate was seen in the world. In order to make Islam the central figure, this system proved to be the best one, in which the head of the state was known as Caliph. These caliphs ran the affairs of the state in accordance with the Holy Quran (Book of Allah) and the Sunnah (the acts of Holy Prophet S.A.W). The specialty of this system was that that after Allah these Caliphs were accountable to the followers of Islam. The selection of Caliphs was done according to the decision of the genius people in religion.



According to secularism, a state and religion are taken in separate concepts. No matter whatever religions exist, but the state is one for all. Truly speaking, in this state type, all religions are treated and respected equally. In such a state, while giving any post or employment, no distinction of faith and religion is made.


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