It is very difficult to say about from which area or territory of the world the existence of a state took place. It is estimated that almost seven to eight thousand years ago when on the basis of family relations many families together form tribes and selected their chief. Likewise in different parts of the world various tribes along with their chiefs began to dwell.
            As the people of these tribes were usually following their customs and traditions strictly therefore these customs and traditions converted into constitutional form. That is why it is said that in the past ages most of the orders consisted on customs and traditions. In the beginning the people of a tribe obeyed their chief without any objection. Well, whether customs and traditions, chief or any law, the hot or cold weather or deficiency of food made the travel from one place to another. When these tribes began to accommodate permanently at a place, they achieved the status of a state. In ancient times such tribal kingdoms were established in many parts of the world.

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